The lower White River system, which includes Kenney Reservoir, is a unique Colorado fishery. The Utah border to the base of Taylor Draw Dam contains a variety of endangered fish species, thus the White River is under strict management by the U.S. Fish &, Wildlife (USFW) and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) in cooperation with the Upper Colorado Endangered Fish Recovery Program. These species include the Colorado Pikeminnow, Bonytail Chub, Humpback Chub, and the Razorback Sucker. These endangered fish share their habitat with Channel Catfish and Carp, the primary game fish, proving ample opportunity for anglers.

Kenney Reservoir sports a variety of fish species sought by anglers, including generous numbers of Black Crappie, Channel Catfish, Black Bullhead, Green Sunfish, Whitefish, Carp, and Rainbow Trout, with Rainbow Trout stocked in April and May by the CPW.
A portion of the lands managed by the RBWCD is specifically managed for wildlife. Some areas include agricultural harvesting, with restrictions to allow a portion of the crop for wildlife. Each year the land condition is reviewed and assessed by collecting an inventory. Periodically the RBWCD, with the cooperation of various state and federal agencies, mediated by the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), review the mitigation lands and create recommendations for management which may include prescribed burns, invasive species control, and agricultural land practice changes. This MOA is also used to manage the endangered fish population in the lower sections of the White River.
As an arid, high desert community, wetland birds find this area particularly attractive. The list of species is vast and includes songbirds, waterfowl, shorebirds, and raptors. In 2016 the RBWCD welcomed a new pair of nesting Osprey‚ to the area and, with the cooperation and assistance of Moon Lake Electric Association, constructed a nesting structure for the Osprey‚ specific use. Each spring and fall our land sees a significant number of avian species pass through our small part of the world--from the tiny hummingbird to the large winged white pelican.