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Photo by: ConradoQuezade




Mission Statement

The Rio Blanco Water Conservancy Distrist was organized for the purposes of conserving and developing land and water resources for the greatest beneficial use of water within the the Distrist’s boundaries. 



The Rio Blanco Water Conservancy District is a Special District of the State of Colorado, organized for the purpose of conserving and developing land and water resources for the best use of water within the District’s boundaries. The District was organized by a decree of the District Court on November 9, 1990, and shall be a political subdivision of the state of Colorado and a body corporation with all the powers of a public or municipal corporation

What makes us unique?

RBWCD’s area of responsibilities includes the management of Taylor Draw, Taylor Draw Hydroelectric, and Kenney Reservoir as well as a much wider range of oversight.

Attached to the creation of Taylor Draw Dam is a significant inventory of man-made wetlands, rangeland, and managed agricultural land. Altogether the RBWCD manages in excess of 1,200 acres of which approximately 50% of the lands are in various stages of wetland succession, 20% designated for agriculture and wildlife food source mitigation, with the remaining acres left as varying types of rangeland--mitigating the habitat lost with the construction of Taylor Draw and Kenney Reservoir. The vast majority of these lands are open for public use.

Since 2013 the Rio Blanco Water Conservancy District has progressed with the development of the White River Storage Project/Wolf Creek Reservoir for multiple uses within the White River basin. Since project initiation RBWCD has completed considerable analysis to firm up the off-channel  Wolf Creek Reservoir as the preferred alternative; continued refinement of purpose and need; economic/…